Stalling & Rock Island Trailer Pass Online Sale
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8:00 AM – Junior cattle may begin to arrive.
Because we will be Checking in ALL junior cattle on Friday Feb. 14, junior exhibitors may arrive beginning at 8 a.m. Thursday morning. We will start stalling immediately in both the Cattle Barn and Tie-Outs. Upon arrival on Thursday, all junior exhibitors MUST enter at the IJBBA Gate located on east University Avenue, look to the IJBBA website for a map. You will receive your unloading permit and stalling at the check-in trailer. If you have questions please reach out to any advisor ahead of time so we can address before there are any issues. No one will be allowed to unload without barn manager permission, those not complying are subject to disqualification from the show.
5:00 PM – Weaver Stierwalt Clinic
North Annex
Skillathon Quizzes can be taken in the office anytime Thursday or Friday and must be complete by Friday at 3:00 pm.
IJBBA Scholarship Interviews – 9:00 AM
Location TBD
6:45 AM – Check-in IJBBA Board Member Cattle
7:00-10:00 AM – Junior Cattle, Arts & Crafts and Photography Check-In
All cattle, including crossbred steers and commercial heifers will check in on Friday.
10:30 AM – Sullivan Supply-Stock Show U Fitting Clinic
11:00 AM – Sunglo No-Fit Showmanship Contest
2:00 PM – Sullivan Supply Fitting Contest
5:00 PM – Supreme Row Drive and Sale Heifer Futurity
Jacobson Exhibition Center
6:00 PM – IJBBA Year End Awards
Jacobson Exhibition Center
8:00 AM – Expo Junior Show – 2 Rings
Jacobson Exhibition Center
8:00 AM – Expo Junior Show – 2 Rings
Jacobson Exhibition Center
Market Animal Judge: Mark Hoge
Market Animal Associate: Caleb Boden
Breeding Heifer Judge: Cody Lafrentz
Breeding Heifer Associate: Riley Lafrentz
Senior: Greg & Pearl Walthall
Junior: Kane Aegerter & Audrey Acord
8AM – Jacobson Exhibition Center
South Devon
Shorthorn Plus
Red Angus
Miniature Hereford
Black Hereford
American Blue
Aberdeen Percentage
Market Heifers
Aberdeen Percentage
American Blue
Black Hereford
Charolais Percentage
Chianina Chi Angus
Gelbvieh Balancer
Horned Hereford
Polled Hereford
Full Blood Maine
High% Maine
Maine Angus
Miniature Hereford
Foundation Red Angus
Red Angus
Shorthorn Plus
Percentage Simmental
Purebred Simmental
South Devon
8AM – Jacobson Exhibition Center
Top 5 Selection
Top 5 Selection
ALL junior cattle, purebred and crossbreds will be checked in Friday, Feb 14 beginning at 7:00 AM in the Livestock Pavilion. Check-in will close at 10:00 AM. All animals need to have health papers to exhibit. Purebred steers and heifers must bring their registration papers or digital registration papers with them at the time of check-in. (See below for change in registration paper requirement.) Commercial heifers and all market animals will be weighed for class breaks.
NO animal will be allowed to show without presenting a valid approved health certificate at check-in that meets all Iowa Health Requirements. Exhibitors will have to present health papers in order to be released from the show as well.
RINGWORM: Any evidence of ringworm, warts, foot rot, pinkeye, draining abscesses or any other contagious disease will eliminate junior cattle from the show and the Expo grounds. The Iowa Beef Expo Veterinarian reserves the right to final judgement on ringworm assessment. No tolerance will be allowed unless the Expo Vet determines the condition has been treated and is in the healing stage.
Several breeds will begin accepting digital registration papers for the IBE Junior Show and other IJBBA Sanctioned Shows. Please see below to know if your breed will accept digital registration papers at check-in.
Original registration papers MUST be in-hand for show entry.
Contest held Friday, February 14 • 2PM • Pavilion
2 Divisions: Senior & Junior
Entries may be checked in Friday, February 14 from 7:00-10:00 AM in the Livestock Pavilion.
Photography Entries may be made by any age division (Junior-13 and under Senior- 14 and up)
a) The contest will select the best ‘Cattle picture’. Candid shots, scenic pasture views – any picture featuring cattle will be accepted.
b) Photography should concentrate on all aspects of good composition and quality photography.
c) Judging criteria will consist of:
d) All entries should be 8 x 10 color photos and MUST include mattes. (No glass or framing permitted)
e) Digital entries are allowed, but all entries must be on photo quality paper. If the entry was taken digitally, a digital file(cd) of the entry must be submitted. The cd must include the exhibitor name, City, State and age division.
f) No digital enhancements to the photo are allowed. Cropping is ok.
g) Captions are not allowed on the pictures. Captions may be summarized on the entry form.
h) Exhibitors are allowed to enter as many as two photos in this contest; however, only one entry per exhibitor will be able to place in the top five.
i) A statement of originality must accompany the entry upon check-in.
j) All entries can be used in future promotional materials of the Iowa Beef Expo and Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Association.
k) Duplication of entries in subsequent years is not permitted.
l) Camera timer settings may not be used; therefore, the junior submitting the entry may not appear in the photo.
Entries may be checked in Friday, February 14 from 7:00-10:00 AM in the Livestock Pavilion.
Photography Entries may be made by any age division (Junior-13 and under Senior- 14 and up)
a) This category refers to photos that have been enhanced or altered in some way using a computer program such as Photoshop.
b) The contest will select the best ‘Agriculture Lifestyle’ picture. Candid shots, scenic pasture views – a picture featuring any aspect of agriculture including cattle will be accepted.
c) Photography should concentrate on all aspects of good composition and quality photography.
d) Any form of digital enhancement is allowed (i.e. photoshop techniques, color alteration, captioning, etc.)
e) Judging criteria will consist of:
f) All entries should be 8 x 10 photos and MUST include mattes. (No glass or framing permitted)
g) All entries must be on photo quality paper. A digital file(cd) of the entry must be submitted. The cd must include the exhibitor name, state and age division.
h) Exhibitors are allowed to enter as many as two photos in this contest; however, only one entry per exhibitor will be able to place in the top five.
i) A statement of originality must accompany the entry upon check-in.
j) All entries can be used in future promotional materials of the Iowa Beef Expo and Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Association.
k) Duplication of entries in subsequent years is not permitted.
l) Camera timer settings may not be used; therefore, the junior submitting the entry may not appear in the photo.
Entries may be checked in Friday, February 14 from 7:00-10:00 AM in the Livestock Pavilion.
Arts and Crafts Entries may be made by any age division (PeeWee – 8 and Under; Junior – 9 to 13; Senior – 14 and up).
1) Juniors with any special ‘artistic’ skill (painting, video, sculpture, artistic posters, music, etc.) may put their talents on display at the Iowa Beef Expo.
2) The contest will be judged by a group of judges instructed simply to do their best.
3) Entries must promote the cattle industry in some way.
4) Exhibitors are allowed to enter as many as three entries in this contest; however, only one entry per exhibitor will be able to place in the top five.
5) A signed statement of originality, that will include a short description about the process and supplies used to create the entry, will accompany it upon check-in. Duplication of entries in subsequent years is not permitted.
6) Judging criteria will consist of: