7. All IJBBA sanctioned shows must select champions and reserves for each breed, as well as a Top 5 for Supreme Champion Market Animal and Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer. All breed champions and reserves in both the heifer and market divisions must return for the selection of the Top 5 animals in order to receive their premium and points.
Points for these animals will be awarded as follows:
A. Supreme Champion will earn 30 points, and their class points will be replaced with the 1st place points of the largest class of the day.
B. Reserve Supreme will earn 25 points, and their class points will be replaced with the 1st place points of the largest class of the day.
C. 3rd Overall will earn 22 points, and their class points will be replaced with the 1st place points of the largest class of the day.
D. 4th Overall will earn 20 points, and their class points will be replaced with the 1st place points of the largest class of the day.
E. 5th Overall will earn 18 points, and their class points will be replaced with the 1st place points of the largest class of the day.
F. All other Breed Champions will earn 5 points, and their class points will be replaced with the 1st place points of the largest class within their breed.
G. All other Breed Reserves will earn 3 points, and their class points will be replaced with the 1st place points of the largest class within their breed.
8. All points recorded in a class are based on the actual number of cattle that enter the show ring for that particular class.
9. Shows may allow open class exhibitors who have not reached their 21st birthday as of January 1, 2025, but the open class exhibitors’ points will be void and IJBBA members’ points will not be realigned.
10. At a show, if one person exhibits a large number of cattle, only their three highest-point-earning breeding heifers/market animals from that day will be counted for his/her top ten points. However, all of their animals will receive points within their respective breed divisions for that day.
11. Sanctioned shows must offer breed/commercial/crossbred classes for steers and heifers regardless of the number entered.
12. Exhibitors must be present to show their own calf. The cattle must be owned by, entered in the name of, and shown by the individual IJBBA member, exception being if the exhibitor has two or more animals in the same class.
INJURY EXCEPTION: The exception for a substitute showman will be approved by IJBBA Advisors in person or via phone. To be applicable for a substitute showman the injury must have occurred in the show ring or makeup arena of an IJBBA sanctioned show. The injury must be at the IJBBA Advisor’s discretion. With extending injuries, a doctors’ note must be presented stating that the exhibitor is unable to exhibit their animals at the future shows. Extending injuries that occur at an IJBBA show will allow for a substitute showman to show that animal for a 14-day time frame from date of injury. Extending injury consist of broken bones, torn ligaments that do not allow an IJBBA showman to show. Illness such as a sickness or vomiting will not be susceptible to a substitute showman, the only exception to illness is one that puts you in the hospital while at the event.
13. IJBBA sanctioned shows must offer Market Heifer shows. A Champion and Reserve Champion High Point Market Heifer Award will be given at year-end. All IJBBA sanctioned shows must allow the Champion Market Heifer to compete against the steers for a Supreme Market Animal of the show. Year-end over all top ten-market animals will be selected from both Market Steers and Market Heifer exhibitors.
14. IJBBA sanctioned shows must offer one showmanship contest with 2 divisions: Junior (13 years and younger) and Senior (14 years or older) as of January 1st. Each age division will include both breeding and market exhibitors. The top 2 high point showmanship exhibitors will receive awards at the year-end-awards ceremony. The champion of each division will receive 15 points plus their 5 participation points and the reserve of each division will receive 10 points plus their 5 participation points. All other participates will receive 5 participation points.
15. If an animal is disruptive to its class, it is at the discretion of the show management to dismiss it from that class. If the animal is dismissed during a championship class, the exhibitor will be disqualified and will lose only the points acquired in the championship class. The reserve animal will then move up to compete for champion, and no other animal will replace the reserve.
16. Breeding Heifers must be born after 9-1-23. Market Animals must be born in 2024.
17. If there are 3 or more head in a breed division, there is to be no more than 60 day age difference between heifers. (ex. January/February Class; March/April Class). Steers or Market Heifers show by weight.
18. Commercial females and all market animals must be weighed. Declared weights are not allowed.
19. Use of hemp hair, removed hair, or other hair-like materials added to the animal’s body will not be allowed. IJBBA does not allow surgical or any other alterations to the animals such as the use of permanent dyes or paints to alter the animals original color pattern. Exhibitors found in violation of this rule will be stripped of all their points and premiums for that day and all animals will be disqualified from the remainder of the show. After their third offense, it will be considered a code of conduct violation and will be handled accordingly.
20. Exhibitors are not allowed to “fill” animals by using any artificial means of drenching such as pumps or bottles. Exhibitors found in violation of this rule will be stripped of all their points and premiums for that day and all animals will be disqualified from the remainder of the show. After their third offense, it will be considered a code of conduct violation and will be handled accordingly.
21. All breed association’s reserve the right to blood-type/DNA/retinal eye scan any cattle being shown within their breed divisions. Request for blood-type/DNA testing/retinal eye scan can come from the breed association or the IJBBA at any sanctioned show throughout the year beginning with the Iowa Winter Beef Expo. Should testing reveal that the animal has been misrepresented on its registration papers, the exhibitor will be immediately withdrawn from the point program within that respective breed for the remainder of the year and any points previously earned in that breed division will be void due to the fact that individual animals are not tracked. This applies both to steers and heifers.
22. At Breed Field Days, exhibitors will receive points only for their breed and class placings. They will not receive any Top 5 (aka “Supreme”) points, and they will not be considered for the Supreme Exhibitor competition. Breed Field Day Champions and Reserves will not have their class points altered.
* At Field Days where animals are only allowed to show as “Owned” OR “Bred & Owned” (not both), the divisions will be considered as separate shows for the purpose of points.
* At Field Days where animals may be shown in BOTH “Owned” AND “Bred & Owned” divisions, exhibitors will receive the highest points earned for each animal (regardless of which show they competed in). Animals will NOT receive points for BOTH “Owned” AND “Bred & Owned” shows, only the points for each animal which were highest.
23. Site-specific protests must be filed at the IJBBA Sanctioned Show. Any person wishing to have an animal inspected is required to submit a written protest and be accompanied by $100.00. The person placing the protest is responsible for all costs incurred to verify the protest. Written protest must state plainly the cause of the complaint and must be filed before the championship drive at the sanctioned show. If inspection is not sustained, the protest money will be forfeited. Protests will be handled by the breed association involved, crossbred protests will be handled by the Executive Director and the IJBBA Advisors.
24. Conduct: Any unsportsmanlike conduct or misrepresentation on the part of an IJBBA member will not be tolerated. All IJBBA members and family/guardians are expected to be cooperative and courteous at all times. Any IJBBA member or family/guardian not complying with this rule is subject to disqualification or any other steps deemed desirable.
25. Dress Code: At a minimum all IJBBA members must exhibit in a collared neck shirt with sleeves/short sleeves and the shirt must remain tucked in at all times during exhibition. Any IJBBA member not complying with the dress code at an IJBBA Sanctioned Show will not receive points for that show.
26. An animal can only be shown in one division (market or breeding) per show as well as only one breed if the animal is dual registered.
27. If a sanctioned IJBBA show receives a bad check for an entry fee, IJBBA requests that show management contact the exhibitor and give them 10 days to submit a cashiers check/money order or cash to their show for reimbursement of their entry fee. Show management must also notify IJBBA advisor immediately. This exhibitor will automatically forfeit that day’s show points. If after one bad check has been written and not cleared by the exhibitor, this exhibitor will not be allowed to participate in any other IJBBA sanctioned shows for the remainder of the year. If an exhibitor writes 3 or more bad checks during the 2025 show season, whether they make good on them or not, the exhibitor will be stripped of all points accumulated for the year along with their IJBBA membership for 2025.
28. Sanctioned shows are required to submit a $50.00 deposit to the IJBBA upon sanctioning.